2.Międzynarodowy Konkurs Klarnetowy im. Witolda Friemanna – wyniki!
Główną ideą konkursu jest promocja muzyki klarnetowej znakomitego, lecz zapomnianego polskiego kompozytora Witolda Friemanna (1889-1977), w którego dorobku znajduje się około 1300 utworów solowych, kameralnych i orkiestrowych. Jego kompozycje przyciągają niebagatelną harmonią, liryzmem i umiejętnie wplecionymi elementami rytmów narodowych czy melodii. Literaturę klarnetową wzbogacił wieloma utworami w tym m.in.: Quasi una Sonata (1949), Sonata nr 2 op. 219 (1959), Sonata nr 3 op. 222 (1959), 4 utwory op.170 (1952-1953), Suita op.171 (1952), Improwizacja i Polonez Op.353 (1972-73), Andante Molto op. 365 (1974). Większość dzieł klarnetowych została dedykowana prof. Ludwikowi Kurkiewiczowi – wybitnemu polskiemu klarneciście, propagatorowi muzyki Friemanna.
I edycja Międzynarodowego Konkursu Muzycznego im. Witolda Friemanna odbyła się z sukcesem w formule online, a laureaci nagród rzeczowych wystąpili podczas 11.Europejskiego Kongresu Klarnetowego w Krakowie.
II edycja Międzynarodowego Konkursu Muzycznego im. Witolda Friemanna podzielona jest na 3 kategorie wiekowe: senior (urodzeni po 1991), (urodzeni po 2004), children (urodzeni po 2011). W najstarszej kategorii uczestnicy obowiązkowo muszą zaprezentować dowolny utwór Witolda Friemanna, a kategorii junior utwór polskiego kompozytora. Laureaci zaprezentują się podczas jednego z najważniejszych wydarzeń klarnetowych 12th European Clarinet Congress w Tilburgu (Holandia) w dniach 6-9.12.2023. W skład jury wchodzą wybitni klarneciści i pedagodzy z całego świata: Eddy Vanoosthuyse (Belgia), Stephane Vermeersch (Belgia), Sergio Bossi (Italy), Blerim Emerllahu (Kosowo), Piotr Lato (Polska), Cecilia Kang (USA), Nattapon Banjatammanon (Tajlandia), Chaiphat Tripipitsiriwat (Tajlandia) dyrektor artystyczny: Barbara Borowicz (Polska).
Konkurs organizowany jest we współpracy z Thailand Clarinet Association.
Patroni i sponsorzy: European Clarinet Association, Henri Selmer Paris, Uebel Klarinetten, Marca Reeds, Salon i Serwis Instrumentów Dętych Piotr Śmietana, Sonore Piotrowski Music.
Patron medialny: Polmic
Wyniki 2. Międzynarodowego Konkursu Klarnetowego im. Witolda Friemanna
Międzynarodowe jury pod kierownictwem prezes Fundacji Barbary Borowicz, w składzie: Eddy Vanoosthuyse (Belgia), Stephan Vermeersch (Belgia), Sergio Bossi (Włochy), Cecilia Kang (USA), Blerim Emerllahu (Kosowo), Piotr Lato (Polska), Nattapon Banjatammanon (Tailandia), Chaiphat Tripipitsiriwat (Tailandia), podjęło decyzję o przyznaniu następujących nagród:
Kategoria Children:
Złoty medal – Dídac Carpi
Srebrny medal – nie przyznano
Brązowy medal – nie przyznano
Kategoria Junior:
1 nagroda – Tomasz Grzebień
2 nagroda – Leon Klimiuk
3 nagroda – nie przyznano
Kategoria Senior:
1 nagroda – Hui Jing Yu
2 nagroda – nie przyznano
3 nagroda – Roberto Méndez Galiana
Gratulujemy wszystkim laureatom! Dyplomy wraz z komentarzami jury zostaną przesłane drogą elektroniczną.
2nd Witold Friemann International
Clarinet Competition
Results of the 1st Witold Friemann International Clarinet Competition 2022
§ 1 General terms
- The organizer of the 1st Witold Friemann International Clarinet Competition (further: “Competition”) is the Life and Art Foundation with its main office in Krakow, Poland.
- The competition is held only online. Every necessary piece of information concerning the competition is posted on the website www.lifeandart.eu.
§ 2 Organisation of the competition
1. The participants of the competition are divided into the following categories:
Senior (born after January 1, 1991)
1.obligatory: one piece or movement from the piece for clarinet solo or clarinet and piano by Witold Friemann*:
- second piece free of choice
whole performance should be no longer than 20 minutes
Junior (born after January 1, 2004)
1.obligatory: one piece or movement from the piece for clarinet solo or clarinet and piano by polish composer
2. second piece free of choice
whole performance should be no longer than 15 minutes
Children (born after January 1, 2011)
Program: Free of choice, no longer than 7 minutes
§ 3 The participants of the competition
- The instrumentalists of all nationalities can take part in the Competition, including: the students of music schools of the first and second degree, students and graduates of higher education schools, performing classical music.
- The participation in the competition is voluntary.
§ 4 Terms of participation
- In order to participate in the Competition it is mandatory to send 1 (one) link with an audio-video recording (YouTube) or to the Google Drive. Participant who sends more than one link will be disqualified. The length of recording should be in accordance with the category a participant is assigned to. The description of the recording must include the following: “Witold Friemann International Clarinet Competition 2023, name and surname of the participant, category”.
- The recording cannot be edited and have to contain the whole silhouette of the performer or the whole ensemble, from the distance that enables to identify participants. The recording cannot be manipulated, the registration should be made on one camera. It is allowed to record the parts of a musical piece separately and combine them into one video.
- The participant of the competition pays a non-refundable donation for statutory purposes 50 Euro. Life and Art Foundation does not account or have any liability for any participants’ bank fees and charges that may be levied as a result of currency conversion, foreign exchange transaction, or non-sufficient funds (NSF) transaction. The fee should be completed to:
Recipient: Foundation Life and Art
Bank of beneficiary – Nest Bank
IBAN PL04253000082062104094900001
Remittance information: “Witold Friemann Competition + name and surname” or PayPal friemannicc@gmail.com
- Copy of ID card or Passport with signature (Under 18 years old MUST have signature of guardian in copy too)
- Please fill the online APPLICATION FORM from 1st June 2021 – 25th September 2023, add the link and all documents. If you have any problems please write friemannicc@gmail.com
§ 5 Awards and decisions of the jury
- Each jury member gives points 0-100 evaluating the performances according to the following criteria: intonation, articulation, rhythmical precision, interpretation and musicality, the level of program. Final score is the average of the scores given by individual members of jury.
- Audition will take place online 25-30.09.2023.
- All participants of all categories will receive an E-Certificate after competition. Laureates of each solo category will receive additional monetary or non-monetary prizes. Choose laureates of the Senior and Junior category will perform during the12th European Clarinet Congress in Tilburg (Netherlands) 6-9 December 2023. In children category participants receive points as:
90 – 100 Gold Medal
80 – 89 Silver Medal
70 – 79 Bronze Medal
- The Jury has the right not to bestow the awards or to decide to share the awards ex aequo. The division of the awards and prizes are determined by the jury.
- Special prizes can be awarded, of which the jury decides.
- A panel of judges evaluates a submitted audio-video material.
- Participants’ performances will be evaluated by an international jury consisting of respectable musicians:
Eddy Vanoosthuyse (Belgium)
Stephan Vermeersch (Belgium)
Sergio Bossi (Italy)
Cecilia Kang (USA)
Blerim Emerllahu (Kosovo)
Piotr Lato (Poland)
Nattapon Banjatammanon (Thailand)
Chaiphat Tripipitsiriwat (Thailand)
Artistic director: Barbara Borowicz (Poland)
- The names and surnames of the laureates of the Competition will be published on the website www.lifeandart.eu on October 16th 2023. Every participant receives a certificate of attendance, send by e-mail.
- The diplomas of laureates will be sent by e-mails.
- The decisions of the jury are final.
Sponsors and partners of the Competition such as: European Clarinet Association, Henri Selmer Paris, Uebel Klarinetten, Marca Reeds, Salon i Serwis Instrumentów Dętych Piotr Śmietana, Sonore Piotrowski Music.
Media partner: Polmic
* Score to the music by Witold Friemann you can order on the website Eufonium Publisher. It is possible to order it in PDF file. Contact with publisher: eufonium@eufonium.pl